
Welcome to the website of Telesight’s Minetest servers! Here you will find a compilation of all the Minetest servers we run …

Minetest is a free open source voxel game engine. It is a very good alternative to Minecraft because it is totally free! You don’t have to pay to play Minetest. To the standard installation we can add a lot of Mods (modifications) and in this way we create our unique servers. Our maps are 62000x62000x62000 blocks. You can mine 31000 blocks down, or build 31000 blocks up.

We support Ukraine against the aggression of Russia.

The picture above is from the MinersWorld server, it is the Miners Stadium build by the player wombel.

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Our story

We (Telesight and SwampTurtle) started playing Minetest in 2014. After playing on a series of servers, we decided to built our own servers. Why? Because during our time of playing Minetest we lost many of our builds because of closing of the server, loosing of the serverbackup, or because the server became to costly to run. Anyway, we wanted a more reliable platform to play Minetest on, and that would be ours …

So in 2015 we created our first servers. We started with creating a secure network, selected the needed hardware and started thinking about the different servers we wanted to build.

The image above is from our creative server BuildersWorld, it is Versailles build by the players Tuinslangg, eagle2 and tggt.

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Our goals

Our goals for Minetest is to provide in reliable, long during servers. We have learned from experience … Our basic creative, survival, heavy survival, pvp and theme servers will stay on for many years. Some are already up and running since summer 2015.

The image above is from our server Skywars.

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Our organisation

We build our hardware, host our servers and design our Minetest servers as a small team. During the years we learned what our hardware can handle and what not. We learned which mods to select to create a playable server. We also learned how to adapt or write our own mods. We design, create and test our servers before we go public with them.

We divide the server activities. Telesight keeps an eye on the network performance, the server settings and installation of the mods. Swampturtle does the creative things like spawn design and mods adaptations.

The image above is TechnoMan from our server TechnoLand.

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The technical specifications

The hardware on which we run our Minestest servers exists of an Intel NUC with an Intel i7, 2.70GHz, 4 cores, 16 GB RAM. We use SSD’s as harddisks. This server runs since april 2019. The former server was also a NUC with an Intel i7 and that one served from 2015 until 2019.

The network we have available is glassfiber with a 100 Mb upload and 100 Mb download speed.

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